Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday October 29, 2013 - Last DITCH Cross of 2013

This was October 22 course. Quite fun actually, fast and more open and we stuck to the North side of the ditch and camel hump near 315.
A small but quality turn out. We got a good 45-50 minutes of "racing" in....
Super thank you to Aidan S. for stepping up to put practice together on Oct 22.

This week -
Tomorrow -
Tuesday October 29th, 2013 will be the last organized practice of 2013.

Special Thank YOU goes out to Noah H for all his effort and time and investment this year in making these practices happen. He's been the staple in making these practices happen and traveling to practices with the flags and barriers nearly every week since August.
Please take a few minutes to thank him tomorrow at practice.

Come out and help set up around 5:00 p.m. so we can get to racing as close to 5:30.

Cincy UCI3 is this weekend.

Also get registered for The Smith Farms - CapCityCross race right now! Team Jeni's!

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I work for and I'd like to help sponsor grassroots cross practices. Do you have any contact info?