Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thurs course set-up

If you like having these mock races, consider helping make them happen. Even with a rush job, it takes me about 2hrs to do a course solo, plus 1/2 hr at home pre-designing. I'm no cross course genius, so I'd welcome the labor as well as creative input. The earlier we are done, the sooner the races can start, and daylight is getting shorter. Just one or two people per week would be great, and knowing ahead of time even peachier. And actually, if one person could commit to helping Mason with the sign-in each week, that would also be awesome.

And to those that wimped out last Thurs due to the rain, a couple of dozen soccer kids got something to say to you (insert raspberry noise here). You missed some super training opportunities.



Tim said...

I am more than willing to help set up, however, I won't be able to arrive any earlier than 5:30. And that's if I hussle. But, if that small amount of time will be benenficial, I'm happy to donate it.

Steve said...

Is this a regular thing every Thursday night at Kenny park? I'd love to come help out and race.

Unknown said...

As a cross guy that's new to Cbus can I ask where there is a schedule for practices, and maybe some established natural routes for "secret training?"

Ryan said...


Just keep checking the blog for updates on upcoming practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


lugged steel said...


Whatever you can offer is cool. The best thing is to call me (668-1882) when you're on the way, so I/we can plan accordingly.


The Thursday races are in Worthington. Directions/map have been posted earlier in this blog. The Tuesday skills drills will vary.


Riding solo, or in very small groups, you can use just about any park or schoolyard space you can find. Let me know what part of town you're in and I'll offer some suggestions. Land along the Olentangy River has the best opps I know of, though, but also the most user traffic.