Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Practice This Week, Tues + Thurs

We hope to see a good showing this week again, thanks to all who came out last week.

Tuesday (tonight) - Kenny Park, about 6 p. Keep an eye on the weather. If it's really wet, we'll likely cancel. If it's just a light rain, it's looking like we'll be there. Don't want to tear up the park and lose the venue.

Thursday - Let's do Kenny Park again, 6p. We're looking at setting up two courses, a learners course, and another that can run in tandem. Still working out the details for the Children's Home.

Be sure to read Gamm's article below, good stuff there.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Thanks to a stroke of "luck", I'll be able to come early to help set up today. I'm available all afternoon, so I just need to know when I should arrive to help.